Sun-Weathered Skin - It Can Be More Harmful Than You Realize: A Case Study in the Use of Dermaka
Sun-Weathered Skin - It Can Be More Harmful Than You Realize: A Case Study in the Use of Dermaka
We all have a relative, friend, or acquaintance with sun-weathered skin. These folks spent many hours in the sun during their lifetime, leaving them with thick, leathery, discolored, rough, itchy skin. Perhaps they worked outside or on the water or simply loved the sun and spent time bathing in the glorious warm glow. No matter the cause of their sun-weathered skin, the symptoms they experience, the increased risks of skin cancer, and the frequent associated conditions can be challenging to treat.
In this article, we define sun-weathered skin, also known as Solar Elastosis, identify the increased risk of melanoma (a dangerous skin cancer) and associated conditions. We examine the solar elastosis journey of one patient using the topical treatment of Dermaka Skin Cream and present the newest product, Dermaka Sunscreen, as a preventive measure.
Solar Elastosis: Sun-Weathered Skin
Solar elastosis is defined as damage to the skin's dermal (middle) layer due to chronic exposure to Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. The damage presents as thickened, leathery skin, with pigment changes (darkening) and a loss of elasticity (flexibility). The hardening of the middle layer of the skin causes the epidermis (outer layer) to be more fragile, resulting in skin tears, bruises and hematomas (blood collections under the skin), open sores, poor healing, and increases in skin cancer.
Associated Conditions
Solar elastosis causes associated conditions (complications) in patients with other chronic illnesses. For example, nearly 50% of patients suffering from diabetes experience skin infections, dry skin, hardening of the skin, and other skin eruptions (conditions interfering with the skin's health). This means patients with solar elastosis and diabetes are more likely to experience skin infections than those patients without both conditions.
The increase in malignant (cancerous) diagnosis of skin biopsies also increases with solar elastosis. In a study from the journal Laboratory Investigation (2017), pathologists diagnosed more serious cancerous diagnoses at a 50% greater rate in patients with the condition. The changes in the dermal layer of the skin and the mutation of the tissue cells with UV radiation were the direct cause of the increased rates.
Dermaka is an all-natural topical skin care product developed by vascular surgeon providers to help patients relieve pain, heal quickly, and minimize inflammation and bruising after treatments or procedures. Over the years, the providers found Dermaka has uses beyond healing after surgery. The topical cream is applied before surgery to condition the skin and decrease inflammation and again after surgery for healing and pain relief properties.
Dermaka Case Study - Solar Elastosis (Sun-Weathered Skin)
Carol, a 76-year-old patient, presented to the dermatologist with dark, leathery, fragile skin that bruised easily and was prone to skin tears in skin eruptions. Carol had been suffering from solar elastosis for more than five (5) years and as recommended by providers, used over-the-counter moisturizers to treat the symptoms. Unfortunately, the over-the-counter products available on the market at the time offered no real relief from her symptoms.
On a visit to her vascular surgeon, Ronald Bush, MD, FACS, Peggy Bush, APRN, noticed the patient's skin and suggested she try Dermaka cream to help heal the symptoms from which Carol suffered. After a discussion with her vascular surgeon, both agreed to give Dermaka a try. The provider did let her dermatologist know that she wanted to see if Dermaka cream could help her skin.
Carol applied Dermaka cream daily and covered her skin with long sleeves for sun protection, hoping to get some relief from her sun-weathered skin. Day “0” pictured below, documents Carol’s symptoms at their worst. The provider recommended she use Dermaka Sunscreen after applying the Dermaka cream.
Day 0 - Before Dermaka Application
- Thick, dry, leathery skin
- Hyperpigmentation (dark patches)
- Spontaneous bruising
- Skin tears (under Band-Aid)
- Skin eruptions

Carol faithfully applied Dermaka cream daily and sometimes twice daily, resulting in improvement in the first 90 days of application, as documented in the pictures below.
Day 90 - Three Months of Daily Application
- Increased softness, moisture, and smoothness of the skin
- Improved skin integrity (skin is more youthful and less fragile)
- Spontaneous bruising improved
- Skin tear healed
- Fewer skin interruptions
Carol’s Testimonial
“Dermaka really helped my skin. I’ve been going to the dermatologist for years, and when my skin got so bad five (5) years ago, the only things available to me were over-the-counter moisturizers. They didn’t really help me at all.
Then on a visit to my vascular surgeon, Peggy took the time to notice my skin and how much I was suffering. After talking to her about Dermaka, we talked to my dermatologist, who agreed we should give it a try. To be honest, I was not holding out much hope, but I had nothing to lose since nothing else worked.
I was pleasantly surprised after using Dermaka to find my skin had improved. The dark patches were lighter, the skin softer, and I didn’t have as many skin tears. Due to other medical conditions, I take medications that cause bruising and bleeding, but Dermaka helped anyway! At 76 years old, I don't expect my skin to look like it did when I was young, but Dermaka's help made me happy. I would recommend Dermaka to anyone!”
Collected during a telephone interview with Carol on May 28, 2023. Testimonial and pictures printed with the permission of Carol.
Dermaka Benefits
Dermaka has benefits beyond solar elastosis. Dermaka applied to the skin one or two times daily can help with several dermatologic issues, such as
- Decreased pain at the application site
- Faster healing, improvement in the fragility of the skin (fewer skin tears or interruptions)
- Decreased bruising, redness, staining, and discoloration
- Decreased inflammation and swelling
- Improvement in itching
- Improved look and feel of the skin
How Can You Get the Benefits of Dermaka Today?
Dermaka is available without a prescription. Visit the links below to purchase Dermaka direct from the manufacturer or use your Amazon account to begin your journey to healthier, smoother, more comfortable skin.
- (For Dermaka Cream and Dermaka Sunscreen)
(Use only as directed)
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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended to raise awareness and educate the public. It is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis and treatment. If you have health concerns, please visit your healthcare provider.