Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen, the Ultimate Multitasker: Sunscreen, Healer, and Foundation in One!
Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen, the Ultimate Multitasker: Sunscreen, Healer, and Foundation in One!
The topic of sunscreen, chemicals, and skin health are ubiquitous in the health and beauty world. Our last article about sunscreens highlighted the dangers of using chemical sunscreens with Benzene or Benzene-related products. If you haven’t read this article titled, “Does the Brand of Sunscreen I Use Really Matter? YES - And Here is Why!” click here to learn more about the safe brand, Dermaka Sunscreen.
In this article, we delve deeper into the ingredients of Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen and how these ingredients are great multi-taskers! Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen provides a physical barrier to UV radiation and heals common skin irritation problems and provides enough coverage to be used instead of foundation. We will present two client testimonies with visuals to highlight the effectiveness of Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen.
Does Your Sunscreen Heal Your Skin?
Do the ingredients in your sunscreen heal your skin and prevent damage without chemicals? If not, you are using the wrong sunscreen! Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen is made from all-natural herbs and minerals that nourish your skin. Ingredients such as aloe, green tea, chamomile, watermelon extract, and licorice work together to achieve great results.
Dermaka Active Ingredients
- Aloe Vera - a succulent plant with a gel-like interior to calm and relieve irritation. Aloe is proven to decrease inflammation, redness, itch, and pain. In a pharmaceutical study, Aloe Vera gel extracted directly from the plant prevented and healed dermatitis and other types of burns in patients undergoing radiation therapy for head and neck cancers (Suryani Widjaja et al., 2023).
- Green Tea - the unfermented leaves of a tea plant. When green tea extract is used on the skin, antioxidant properties prevent aging; anticancer components protect against radiation damage to the skin cells; antibacterial characteristics heal acne and prevent infection. In addition, the polyphenols in green tea extract lighten the skin and prevent or help reverse hyperpigmentation (sunspots, age spots) (Lin, Zhong, Santiago, 2017).
- Chamomile - a member of the Aster flower family, this daisy-like appearing plant is used in modern pharmaceutical (traditional) and naturopathic medicine. All parts of chamomile can be used, including the roots, and are injected, ingested, or topically applied. When applied to the skin, chamomile decreases pain and itch, protects the skin cells from radiation with anticancer properties, and reduces inflammation and irritation (El Mihyaoui et al., 2022). Chamomile also prevents skin drying, flaking, blistering, and weeping in burned areas (Gomes de Meneses et al., 2022).
- Watermelon Extract - contains vitamins C, A, and B6 for skin health. Vitamin C aids in producing collagen, a protein that supports body structures like skin, muscle, bone, and other connective tissues (Cleveland Clinic, n.d.). Collagen is an essential anti-aging ingredient. Vitamin A repairs skin cells and prevents dryness, while Vitamin B6 prevents breakouts and discolorations (Cleveland Clinic, 2023).
- Coconut Oil - much like chamomile, coconut oil is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that works at the cellular level. When applied to the skin, coconut oil prevents allergic and inflammatory responses, activates healthy white blood cells, and helps heal injury and infection (Lin, Zhong, & Luis Santiago, 2017).
- Licorice - like green tea, licorice is a natural skin-lightening substance that prevents and reverses hyperpigmentation from the sun and aging. Licorice is non-irritating to the skin, while other skin-lightening agents tend to cause dermatitis (skin irritation) (Leyden et al., 2011)
- Natural Mineral Pigments - similar to popular make-up brands, Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen uses natural minerals as pigments for those who want coverage with their sunscreen. Dermatologist, Dr. Cynthia Bailey, recommends mineral makeup to her clients because natural minerals are inert, meaning, no matter the form, the minerals remain pure. Dr. Bailey states that patients tolerate mineral makeup better than chemical-based brands (Bailey, 2023).
Client Testimonials
Becky Zook, RN Writer, Fort Myers, FL - As a woman in my 50s, I’m experiencing several changes in my skin. I developed rosacea across my cheeks and around my nose, irritated and itchy patches on my chin and near my hairline, and dryness that even the high-end mineral make-up brands made worse. Then I was introduced to Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen for daily protection. Within a few weeks, I noticed my skin was softer, less red, more supple, and balanced. My dry patches have resolved, my rosacea is gone, and my skin has never looked better! I have thrown away all of my foundation and use Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen exclusively in my daily routine.

Before using Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen - The client has clean skin free from any makeup products. Notice the redness on the forehead, at the hairline, around the nose, across the cheeks, and on the chin. Moisturizers and serums recommended by her dermatologist were used regularly when this photo was taken.
Three Weeks After using Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen - The client applied Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen to clean skin and added a powder-based bronzer and mascara. Notice the smooth, translucent coverage. The client’s skin is free from redness and is bright and glowing.
Megan - Aesthetician at Mullaly Med Spa, Crown Point, IN. “Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen is a Miracle Come True.”
How Can You Get the Benefits of Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen Today?
Visit the links below to purchase Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen direct from the manufacturer or use your Amazon account to begin your journey to healthier, smoother, more comfortable skin.
- (For Dermaka Cream and Dermaka Sunscreen)
(Use only as directed)
Visit to Share Your Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen Journey and Help Others Ditch Their Foundation, Too!
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended to raise awareness and educate the public. It is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis and treatment. If you have health concerns, please visit your healthcare provider. The author of this article is also a client of Dermaka Tinted Sunscreen; all testimonials are unpaid and voluntary.
Bailey, C., M.D. (n.d.). Dermatologist Recommended Pure Mineral Makeup Powder. Dr.BaileySkincare.Com. Retrieved July 30, 2023, from
Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). Collagen: What it is, Types, Function & Benefits. Retrieved July 30, 2023, from
Cleveland Clinic. (2023, February 23). Health Benefits of Watermelon.
El Mihyaoui, A., Esteves da Silva, J. C. G. Charfi, S., Candela Castillo, M. E., Lamarti, A., & Arnao, M. B. (2022, March 20). Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.): A Review of Ethnomedicinal Use, Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Uses—PMC. PubMed Central.
Gomes de Meneses, A., Barros Ferreira, E., de Souza Maggi Bontempo, P., Silva Guerra, E. N., & Diniz Dos Reis, P. E. (2022, January). Use of Chamomile Infusion to Mitigate Radiotherapy-Induced Dry Desquamation in Head and Neck Cancer Patients—PubMed. Sage Journals.
Leyden, J. J., Shergill, B., Micali, G., Downie, J., & Wallo, W. (2011, May 31). Natural options for the management of hyperpigmentation—Leyden—2011—Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology—Wiley Online Library.
Lin, T-K., Zhong, L., & Satiago, J. L. (n.d.-a). Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils—PMC.
Lin, T-K., Zhong, L., & Satiago, J. L. (n.d.-b). Green Tea (Camellia sinensis): A Review of Its Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Toxicology—PMC. PubMed Central.
Sikdar Mitra, S., Ghorai, M., Nandy, S., Mukherjee, N., Kumar, M., Radha, Gosh, A., Kumar Jha, N., Prockow, J., & Dey, A. (2022, September 29). Barbaloin: An amazing chemical from the ‘wonder plant’ with multidimensional pharmacological attributes—PMC [Springer].
Suryani Widjaja, S., Bagus Sumantri, I., Rusdiana, R., Yo, H., Jamnasi, J., Yo, R., Kho, H., Filbert Jayalie, V., Silalahi, M., & Siregar, F. (2023, January 20). Potential Benefits of Aloe vera and Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus Gel for Prevention of Radiation-Induced Dermatitis in Head and Neck Cancer Patients—PMC. PubMedCentral.